Salka Wind Blog

Posts on the Andean Cosmovision

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Hi everyone. I haven’t been posting here a lot recently. My energy is going out to a rather diffuse number of outlets. I am presenting a three day workshop on the Andean Cosmovision in Grand Junction, Colorado this coming weekend. My web site has served as the hub of my internet efforts but had gotten of date and so I have rewritten it. I have created a Facebook page for my book, The Andean Cosmovision, and I have been posting there recently to see if I can get the word out on my book to more people.

I have been waiting for something to come to me that I would like to share on this blog. And today it arrived. I would like to share some thoughts and energy about ‘impeccability’.

I first ran into the idea of walking through life with impeccability in the earlier books of Carlos Castaneda. My favorite way of expressing it is through the following story that don Juan told Carlos, which I paraphrase below

One day you will be walking down an arroyo and you will stop to tie your shoe. When you do, a huge boulder will crash to the ground right where you would have been if you hadn’t stopped to tie your shoe. Another day you will be walking down the arroyo and you will stop to tie your shoe and a boulder will land right on top of you and kill you because you stopped to tie your shoe. Given a world like this, the only thing you have control over is tying your shoelace with impeccability.

Acting with impeccability adds a great deal to life, exactly what I have a hard time putting into words. It can also be, in my experience, too stern a task master. The resolution I have arrived at is that my being impeccable includes not having to be impeccable all the time. I would like to share a story about that.

One time when I was in Peru by myself with don Americo he told me that the president of the Q’ero people was also in town and would like to meet me. He added that this was purely optional and I didn’t have to if I didn’t want to. When I paused, wondering why the president would possibly want to meet me, Americo added softly that it would be rather rude to say no. Of course I said yes.

When I went to meet him I didn’t know what to do or say, so I decided to just open my heart and interact with him. I ended up showing him a photo of my sons on my cell phone and asking him about his family. Afterwards Americo chuckled and said that was an interesting and rather refreshing way for me to act. He also said that he had watched me slip into my ‘impeccable mode’ right before I entered the room, and that he has seem me do this other times as well, he complicated me on my ability to be impeccable. I replied that in all honesty it was much easier for me to be impeccable after a couple of cups of coffee in the morning. Americo laughed and said that Carlos Castaneda might not approve, but that it was very salka of me.

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With a Little Help from my Friends

Hi everyone.

Now that the snows have gone and I am back in the mountains connecting to Nature and the Cosmos; and contemplating the upcoming summer; and seeing what is going on in the world; I find that I really want to get information on the Andean Cosmovision out to as many people as possible. I know that no path is right for everyone, and the Andean Cosmovision is no exception, but for some of us this path resonates with our deepest values, and it holds the possibility of healing Western society’s relationship with Nature and the Cosmos.

This blog, and the book that blossomed out of it, and my experiential classes and workshops, are my ways of sharing the Cosmovision with my society.  If you would like to help I think that would be beautiful.  Below I have listed some requests and ideas, starting with ways of getting the word out on my book.  That is self-serving as I get money from the sales of my book, but my book is also my highest quality effort so far to add a little beauty and salka to our world.

  1. I have just set up a Facebook page for my book (The Andean Cosmovision:  A Path for Exploring Profound Aspects of Ourselves, Nature, and the Cosmos).  If you are on Facebook, if you would go to the Andean Cosmovision Facebook Page and Like it and Share it (on your timeline or with individuals you think might enjoy it) I would really appreciate it.
  2. If you are not on Facebook or your friends are not, then if you could email them the url to the web page for the book (along with a word of what the book is about) that would be great.  The web page for my book is:
  3. If you have read my book and found it to be of value to you, then if you could write a review of it and either email me the review ( or review it on Amazon that would be great too.  If you read my book and didn’t get anything out of it, then please whisper your review of it down a well in the middle of a forest at midnight.
  4. The strong sense that has grown in me as I have been doing these meditations for many years is that not only they are good for me, they are also good for and appreciated by Nature and the Cosmos as well.  Just go out in nature and do these meditations.  If they connect with your sense of beauty, and add meaning to the experience of your life, keep it up.  That’s enough, that’s beautiful. You don’t need to write books, or teach meditation classes, you are adding harmony to the Cosmos while the Cosmos is helping you to blossom into the unique flower of the essence of who you are.  Then you can live your life like a work of art.  If you do, then as don Americo says, when you die you won’t be thinking about your car.
  5. You also could write books, and teach meditation classes, or get together with friends to do the Andean meditations, and use the information I have shared from don Americo to open this path for others.

Thank you all for your interest and support and munay.  The adventure continues.


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Spring Blossoms

The snow lies only on the top of the mountains by my home, although it does advance down the sides of the mountains when a spring storm visits, it just as quickly retreats the next day. Here in my home town we can once again go into the mountains and sit by the side of the canyon streams to meditate. While there is much we can explore with the Andean salka meditations during the winter, meeting indoors, working with our energy and exploring more of who we are, the foundation of the path is our relationship with Nature and the Cosmos. It is a beautiful time to be outdoors, in salka, getting in touch with Nature as she gushes (in slow motion) into new life. We can connect to that.

I would like to encourage you to get outdoors now that it is spring (at least in this part of the world) and explore the Andean Cosmovision through the various meditations I have shared in this blog and in my book (or from other sources you may have). There is no moral imperative within the Cosmosivion that people follow its path. I am, instead, speaking from two personal places. The first is that I get so much out of the meditations that I would like to encourage you to explore them as well in case you get as much out of them as I do (keeping in mind the post Fallacies). The second place from which I speak is my own set of values. I believe that the integration of the Andean Cosmovision with the Western world view holds the possibility of healing our relationship with Nature, I hope before our species destroys all the beauty of this world (see the post The Crazy Ape). That motivates me, plus my preference for a path of heart over a path of power.

To walk this path, you do not need to believe any specific set of beliefs. Actually you need to unbelieve some things, including the belief that any beliefs about reality have much to do with reality itself. Your mind will evolve from being your prison guard to being your ally in an exploration of a Cosmos that is more mysterious and wonderful than your thoughts can possibly encompass.

My first suggestion on how to proceed is to connect with the Pachamama on a regular basis using the Touching the Pachamama meditation. This takes only a couple of minutes, really, there is room for this in our daily lives. Complete the circle of ayni with the Pachamama by expressing your gratitude to her and through occasional, simple despachos. This is enough, this is walking the path of the Andean Cosmovision, you will change. Many small steps will eventually take you far. And…there is also more to explore if you desire.

There is a lot to be said for getting rid of our hucha on a regular basis. If you would like, do the Releasing Hucha meditation after the Touching the Pachamama meditation. Again, this takes just a minute or two. The two meditations will take you far. And…there is more if you wish to explore further.

After you have gotten in touch with the Pachamama and have released your hucha, select another meditation or two to explore. Try all the various meditations at least a few times to get a sense of their effect on you. Rely on your own deep sense of what is good and beautiful and loving, and evaluate each meditation from that place. Add the ones you like to your repertoire of ways to face the mystery of your existence. When you meditate, pick the one that feels right for you today.

And remember to complete the circle of ayni with the Pachamama, the Apus, Mama Tuta, with all the waikis of Nature and the Cosmos.

You can meditate on your own, perhaps everyday, and that is beautiful.

You can also get together with other waikis to meditate, perhaps on a weekly basis. There is an enhanced effect of several people doing a meditation together.

You might consider starting a salka meditation class. There are no gurus on this path, there are simply waikis who have been exploring the territory longer than others and who can help as a guide. For more information on teaching a salka meditation class please see the post Running a Salka Class.

Don Américo Yábar and don Gayle Yábar have founded the Poetic Salka Movement on this planet. When we meditate we slowly blossom in salka, when we meditate together we become a garden. It is happening all over the planet.

Some of this post was adapted from my book The Andean Cosmovision: A Path for Exploring Profound Aspects of Ourselves, Nature, and the Cosmos.

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Sole to Sole

Hi, here is a nice salka meditation that involves working with a partner.  This is another very simple meditation that can be quite profound. As usual I recommend that you first tune your energy using the Touching Pachamama and Releasing Hucha meditations (particularly because you will be working with another person).

To do this meditation take off your shoes. Lie down with the soles of your feet in comfortable contact with the soles of your partner’s feet.  Using your intent (sincere pretending), as you breathe in draw the energy from the Cosmos through your partner’s head, through your connection at your feet, and up through your head into the Cosmos.  As you breathe out send the energy in the opposite direction, from the Cosmos through your head through the two of you and out into the Cosmos through your partner’s head.

Do this for several minutes and then bring the meditation to a gentle close.

As with all of the salka meditations, the meaning of this meditation is simply the experience that you have while doing it.  We are all explorers on this path.

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Up until fairly recently in this blog I have focused on meditations that we can do on our own (well…in the company of Pachamama and the Apus and stars and the trees and the stream tumbling down the mountain side…).  Beginning with the Back-to-Back meditation I have begun to share more meditations that can be done with a group of people. The Heart-to-Heart and Back-to-Back meditations are examples of a practice in the Andes that is known as yanachakuy, the touching and sharing of energy between two Beings.  Like the Back-to-Back meditation, the Heart-to-Heart meditation is best done with a group of at least four people, so that you can switch partners a few times to see how everyone’s energy is different.

It is a little complicated for me to continue to write this blog as I would like to assume that you have read the earlier posts, but I know that may not be the case.  If you haven’t already, I recommend that you at least read the posts that cover the three centers of being, starting with the aptly named Three Centers of Being post, which ends with some links to subsequent posts on the topic.  Everyone doing this meditation at least needs to have some idea of what the munay is.

Since the essence of this meditation is the connection and sharing of energy between two people I recommend that everyone do a little spring cleaning of their energy before they start. When I am leading the group I have us all begin by first doing the Touching Pachamama meditation followed by one of the meditations that help us get rid of our hucha (my favorite is the Releasing Hucha meditation). After getting rid of hucha I recommend moving on to the Cosmic Circle meditation as it enlivens the munay, and the Heart-to-Heart meditation is all about the munay.  That is more than the usual amount of preparation for a salka meditation, but this beautiful meditation is worth it.

With the preparations complete, let’s move on to the Heart-to-Heart meditation itself.  I will describe it as if you are leading some waikis (friends / fellow adventurers) through the process.  I believe that it really helps me to guide other people into a meditation if I enter that energy as well.  If there is an even number of people (including me) I can have a partner as I talk everyone through this.  If not, then I find I can enter into this state anyway.  I set my hands (as described below) and then it is as if I am doing this with the nature around me.

First, have everyone pair-up.  I recommend when possible that the waikis don’t pair up with someone they know really well (e.g. a significant other) as they already know that person’s energy so well, and also because close relationships have a lot of other things going on that may muddle the waters.

Anyway, after people pair-up have them face each other, close enough to clasp hands.  Now have them clasp hands with their partner, palm to palm.  The goal is to be able to gently press the back of one of your waiki’s hands to your munay (heart area) while your waiki presses the back of your other hand to his or her munay.  An easy way to set this up is for one waiki to put both hands forward, one palm up and one palm down, and then have the other waiki grasp those hands palm to palm.  Or…just play around until you get it.  Again, the goal is that you are pressing the back of your waiki’s hand to your heart while your waiki does the same with your other hand.

When everyone is arranged correctly with their waiki then suggest that they close their eyes (pause for a moment)…and then connect with the Pachamama through the souls of their feet (pause while they do this)…and then open up the energy center at the top of their head to connect with the energy of the cosmos (pause while they do this, then pause a little longer for them to enter more fully into both connections).

Now, invite them to gently open their eyes, and with soft eyes look into the eyes of their partner. Invite them to look with soft eyes until they get the sense that they are perceiving the essence (beyond the personality) of the other waiki.  Then gently close their eyes again. I usually give them about 5 seconds for this before going on to the next step. It is my experience that I can get at least a hint of my partner’s essence in that amount of time and I get concerned that going much longer might raise defenses.

Now invite them (still with eyes closed) to use their intent (sincere pretending) to send their munay energy into the back of their waiki’s hand that is pressed against their munay, and to receive their waiki’s munay energy through the back of their hand that is pressed against their waiki’s munay. After they have had enough time to start to experience the flow of energy I like to add that they can just let the energy flow between the two of them however it wants to.

I like to give them a couple of minutes or so to fully experience this. Then, I thank them (to let them know it is the end of the round).  This is a very personal and deep experience, and I usually hug my waiki when we are finished.  Then have people pair up with someone new and repeat the meditation.  Repeat again so that everyone has a chance to work with three or so partners before ending.

At the end of all this I like to form a circle with everyone and open the table (so to speak) for comments and experiences.  People often comment on how everyone’s energy is different.  Like the Back-to-Back meditation, this meditation accomplishes a lot.  Detecting other people’s energy seems to be pretty easy in this meditation, and this opens the door for people to have a deeper experience with the salka path.  Also, it just takes us right there to what this is all about, connecting through the munay with other Beings, interacting at another level beyond the confines of our Western, domesticated worldview.  Or not…as always, the meaning of the meditation is the effect it has on you…not what I say it is.  When I write these posts I vacillate between wanting to share what I get from these meditations and keeping quiet so that I don’t get in the way of how you might experience them.

This is one of the ways don Americo has had us do this meditation.  It was in my notes this way and this is how I usually do it in my salka meditation classes.  I consistently find it to be a beautiful experience.   I have also been with him when he had us do different variations on this meditation, perhaps you have one that you like better.  Feel free to share that by commenting on this post.

One last idea.  When we do this out in Nature, when we are done working with each other, I like to then invite everyone to disperse and go spend several minutes carrying out the essence of this meditation with some aspect of Nature; with the river flowing by, or with the trees, or with Pachamama, or Mama Killa, or Mama Tuta.  Something is learned in this meditation that transcends having to be in contact back-of-hand-to-munay, and this is a great time to explore that.

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