Salka Wind Blog

Posts on the Andean Cosmovision

Category: Uncategorized (page 5 of 8)

It is not about ‘us’.

I would like to share the following thoughts and feelings as we head into the new year.  I have decided this once to skip all of the links to posts covering the terms that I use, and to just write what I want to say.

There are many, many aspects of the path of the Andean Cosmovision that I value greatly.  Walking this path has touched those parts of me that rejoice in the presence of beauty and love, it has given me the sense of living a life that has deeper meaning than I can possible put into words or thoughts.  It has been a great adventure, calling at times upon both my courage and my perseverance.  When I tire and wonder if this is where I want to be wandering I turn a corner and something completely unexpected arises to fill me with wonder.  When my everyday life seems mundane I find that the meditations open me up yet again to the ineffable mystery that is the Cosmos and my existence as a Being in that Cosmos.  And…this path is not about me.

This path is not about me, it is not about ‘us, it is about ‘Us’.  You, me, the waikis in our lives, the waikis across the planet, the Andean people, the Apus, Pachamama, the stars, the trees, the rivers, Mama Tuta, Tai Tai Inti, Mama Killa.  As we walk this path we are all dancing with each other, and composing the music at the same time.  With the meditations we open ourselves to the greater melody.  Though our finite yachays may only discern our own part of the melody there is a deeper knowing that something much greater, driven by love and hope and dressed in beauty, is going on.

If you enjoy the immediate effects of the meditations then consider persevering and see what happens over the long run.  More and more will open up.  If you sense that the effects of the meditations don’t resonate with what you most deeply value, then move on to a different path.  No path is right for everyone, nor does everyone have the same destination in mind.  Trust yourself and your deeper knowing.

Here are some guiding stars for the upcoming year.  I have written them to you so that they may resonate with you, but they are actually what I intend to do.

    • Make your life a work of art.
    • Remember to let the mystery in.
    • Continue to explore your presence as a Being in this Cosmos.

Thanks everyone for all of your support and your great hearts.



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Kudos (selfie) and Reflections

I would like to share with you that my book The Andean Cosmovision was selected as the November book of the month at Shaman Portal.  This blog has served as the place for me to publish rough drafts of the chapters of the book.  Most of the information is available here in the blog for free but the book presents it more coherently and clearly and minus the posts that aren’t relevant to the book.  I want very much to get this information out to as many people as possible.  Might you consider giving it to a waiki (friend) as a Christmas present?

Printed copies may be purchased from:

eBook copies may be purchased from:

A personal reflection on my book.  Sometimes, when I am in a particular state of mind, I think about my book and I am just blown away (generational translation…’amazed’) that I was actually able to put into words the essence of what I have learned from 20 years of exploring the Andean Cosmovision with don Americo.  This evokes in me a great sense of satisfaction and joy.  It certainly took me a long time, several years, to write the book and yet here it is on my bookshelf.  That is where the satisfaction comes in.  The joy I feel comes from some deep place within me and just bubbles up at times.


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Ebook version available

Hi, this will (probably) be my last plug for my new book on the Salka Wind Blog.  I would like to let you know that the electronic version of my book The Andean Cosmovision is now available through:

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Whoops…typo in previous post

If you would like to get on the waiting list then email me at Salka Wind (I accidentally wrote ‘if you would like to get on the mailing list’).

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The ‘Biggish’ Picture

Here is something I wrote for some friends of mine who wanted to know my thoughts about the challenge of westerners interacting with an indigenous culture they value when that culture may be changed or destroyed by that interaction.  I just let my thoughts flow out onto the page.  In rereading it I think I might sound pretentious, and awkward at times, but I really just want to share it as it came out.

Western society is in a car speeding towards a cliff. We are sitting in the back seat playing and fighting over our toys. When the car goes off the edge no amount of saying we are sorry, or trying to fix the situation, will make any difference. And we will take much of what is beautiful and precious about the world with us.

We in the west have all the technology and information we need to head toward a beautiful future for this planet, not just for us but for the rest of life as well. We lack the heart to do so. The indigenous people of Peru, and probably many other indigenous cultures, have the heart.

Every culture is build upon a set of assumptions about the nature of reality, these assumptions make it possible for the culture to excel at some things and make it hard for the culture to excel at other things. The assumptions of western culture make it easy for us to excel at technology and these same assumptions make it difficult for us directly experience our connection with the rest of nature and the Cosmos. The assumptions of the Andean culture, the ‘Andean Cosmovision’, deeply nourish their sense of connection with nature and the Cosmos. The nature of these assumptions, however, make it unlikely that they would have ever invented the internal combustion engine. What we need as a species to head toward a future of greater beauty, rather than toward one of greater environmental destruction and misery, is to integrate these two world views.  It is likely that this could not have been done earlier in our history, for it is only recently that the two cultures have interacted in a way that could have made this integration possible.

Western culture is like a tsunami, sweeping up the slopes of the Andes.  On the positive side it is putting westerners into contact with the keepers of the Andean Cosmovision, westerners who value what the Andeans have and who have the technology to spread it across the globe. The tsunami, however, is also destructive, and is today–like it always has–destroying the culture it is sweeping over. Mining interests and evangelical Christians are flowing into previously isolated villages in the high Andes. The mining interests are promising the people that strip mining won’t hurt their environment, and then getting them drunk and then getting them to sign away the mineral rights to their land. The evangelical Christians are telling the people that their ancient ways are evil, and the Christians surround the Andeans as they perform their sacred rites, playing loud music to disrupt the ancient ceremonies. But it is not just these two forces that are destroying the old ways, the destruction would occur without them. The lure of the material western culture is very strong.

I have walked with Andean people to extremely remote areas in the mountains to participate in their sacred rituals. As we walk the young men have asked me about my shoes and how much they cost, they ask me about my watch and how much it costs. They sigh deeply when I tell them.

We, the whole planet, desperately need what these people have. My first reaction was a desire to build a wall around their culture to keep the west out, and that is so unfair. It is saying to them ‘what you have is so precious, we need it so badly and you will miss it desperately if you lose it, so please keep living without all of the material benefits of western society, I’ll go back to my house with its central heating and refrigerator and medicine and internet, and then I’ll come visit you’.

A village in the Andes that I know did not until fairly recently have electricity. Now it does, and now for the first time, the villagers need money like they never have before to pay the electric bill. It is changing their lives and their society at a fundamental level.

Here is what I think we need:

1) A program to help the Andean people gain the benefits of moving into a more materialistic-rich lifestyle without leaving their Cosmovision behind. I don’t think this will happen on its own. It is going to have to be created, invented. At the least it will have to have at its core the assumption that their Cosmovision is absolutely precious and fundamental, and the assumption that they have every right to the material benefits of the west. By this I don’t mean just giving them money in exchange for keeping their Cosmovision, I mean helping them be participants in the western world while maintaining their unique way. I sincerely dabbled in this for a while and then withdrew as it was beyond the scope of what I had the time and energy and wisdom to accomplish.

2) A movement to incorporate the Andean Cosmovision into western culture. This is where I, and many other people, step in. I have spent 20 years learning the Andean Cosmovision, endeavoring to incorporate it into my life, and sharing it with other people in my culture. This too is a creative act. The Andean people can teach us the Cosmovision but they can’t help us figure out how to integrate it into western culture, that is up to us. It is a great challenge but one that is worthy of the gift of being alive.

I don’t know if these two endeavors, one from Peru heading towards the west and one from the west heading towards Peru, will meet in the middle. Perhaps instead we will end up with the Peruvian people being a third of the way toward the west and us being a third of the way toward Peru. As I understand it from the anthropologist Gregory Bateson the most generative evolution happens when you have separate colonies each undergoing their own evolution, that then occasionally interact to share their genes. So the best approach might be to have two separate processes going on that share information with each other without dissolving the differences between them.

Just like the glaciers are disappearing from the Andes, the culture I first met 20 years ago is changing rapidly as well. I really don’t know if we can ‘save’ them, and by saving I mean option 1 above where we help them move into western culture without losing their Cosmovision. When I first started on this path I was told that for the first time in history the paqos (mystics/shamans) of the Andes were opening up their Cosmovision to share it with the west. I believe this is because for the first time westerners were approaching them to learn from them rather than to belittle them. I was told that the paqos were willing to do this because they knew our species is entering a pachacuti, a time of great transformation and time of great peril where if we don’t get our act together we will face dire consequences, and that the paqos were opening up to the west because the Andean Cosmovision had an important piece of the solution. Not the whole solution, just a piece. I was also told that the paqos knew that by opening up to us that they may be dooming their own culture. It is just a story, there are many stories, some made up from whole cloth by westerners and some come directly from the heart of the Andean people.

The words of my friend Oscar arise in my thoughts. ‘Perhaps it is too late, perhaps we won’t be able to help the Andean people keep their Cosmovision. If that happens then our task will be to pick up their torch and carry it forward.’  Either way, the path ahead is clear for those who wish to walk it.

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