Salka Wind Blog

Posts on the Andean Cosmovision

Tag: meditations (page 1 of 9)

Transforming Personal Energy into Cosmic Energy

Hi, this is my current, favorite, meditation.  It transforms my energy in a way that both helps me through these difficult times and also puts me in a state where I feel more available to be part of the solution.  I offer it in the hope that it will serve you as well.  This meditation was taught to me by don Américo Yábar.

Transforming Personal Energy into Cosmic Energy:

  1. Stand comfortably with you hands to your side.
  2. Take three, comfortably full, breaths, breathing in through your nose and out through you mouth.  Pay exquisite attention to these breaths.
  3. Move your hands a few inches forward with your palms facing Pachamama.  Using your intent, connect your energy with the energy of Pachamama.
  4. When you feel that connection; bring your hands towards each other, turning your palms up, and raise that energy up to your heart, pausing when your hands are level with your heart.  Your hands are few inches in front of your heart, palms up, gently holding the energy there.
  5. Take three breaths, getting in touch with the energy of your heart.
  6. Now raise your arms and push your palms up toward the Cosmos, sending the energy into the Cosmos with your intent.
  7. After you have sent the energy, wait with your arms raised and your palms facing the Cosmos until you feel energy flowing back down into your palms from the Cosmos.  It helps to gently wave your hands a little, this awakens your spirituality and also makes it easier to detect the returning flow of energy.
  8. When you have connected to that energy, bring your hands down and gently place your palms on your breast over your heart, one hand on top of (covering) the other.
  9. Let the energy flow from your hands into your heart, and there transform that energy into love.
  10. Lower your hands with your palms facing Pachamama and send that loving energy into her.

Repeat steps 3 -10 two more times.  After the first time, you don’t need to pause and breathe when you raise the energy up to your heart, you can just connect briefly to your heart on the way up to the Cosmos.

You can use your breaths to support this meditation.  Breathe in when you are bringing energy in and breathe out when you are sending energy out.  Play around and see what works best for you.

Option:  instead of sending this loving Cosmic energy to the Pachamama on the last step, you can give it instead to another person or thing or place.   The meditation will be transforming your own energy as you do so.

Remember: you are an extension of the Cosmos.

Munay, Oakley

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Podcast Episode 6: River Meditation

This is one of my favorite meditations for it opens up our relationship with nature in a beautiful way.  For this meditation you need to go to a river, stream, or creek, one without industrial pollutants, flowing in its natural river bed. As for the time spent on this meditation, that is us to you. There is a lot to be said for meditating by the river for at least 15 minutes, but 40 minutes or even longer would not go amiss.

To download the episode click on “Download“, if an audio player appears and begins to play the episode, right click on it and then select “Save Audio”.


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Podcast Episode 3: Releasing Hucha Meditation

This meditation takes about 4 minutes.  It is best done while sitting on the earth, in nature, in some quiet spot.  It can also be done, however, while sitting on the floor or on a chair.  It is a very good meditation for getting rid of “hucha”, an Andean term for heavy or chaotic energy.

To download the episode click on “Download“, if an audio player appears and begins to play the episode, right click on it and then select “Save Audio”.



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Podcast Episode 2: Touching Pachamama Meditation

This meditation takes 5-10 minutes.  It is best done while sitting on the earth, in nature, in some quiet spot.  It can also be done, however, while sitting on the floor or on a chair.  It is a basic, and beautiful meditation, and a good place to begin to explore the Andean Cosmovision.

To download the episode click on “Download“, if an audio player appears and begins to play the episode, right click on it and then select “Save Audio”.



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It Is a Way of Being

The Andean Cosmovision provides a different-from-Western-Society way of perceiving and interacting with reality. It is not a way of thinking about the world, it is not a set of concepts and beliefs, it cannot be describe or encompassed with words. To explore the Andean Cosmovision is to enter into another way of experiencing reality that is so different from that of the West that it cannot be distinguished from actually exploring a different reality. I have found it to be a path that takes me through territory that my own society ignores. It takes me to my heart, to beauty, to love, and to a relationship with Nature and the Cosmos that fulfills my desire to sip at the cup of the sacred.

It isn’t easy. It is not a path that everyone would want to take, and it certainly isn’t a path that everyone should take, for it has no dogma, it has no rules laid down by an external deity, within the Cosmovision there is no moral imperative to walk this path. If the path itself is rewarding to you then keep going (if you wish). If not, stop, and try some other path, or no path at all. That decision is something that only you can make.

Today, like every other day,
we wake up empty and frightened.
Don’t open the door to the study and begin reading.
Take down a musical instrument.
Let the beauty we love be what we do.
There are hundreds of ways to kneel and kiss the ground.

Jalal ad-Din Rumi.  From The Illuminated Rumi
Broadway Books, Coleman Barks (translator).

There are many different paths that lead into the Andean Cosmovision, each has its doorstep in a different region of the Andes or with a different teacher. I really only “know” the path I have been shown by don Americo Yabar and don Gayle Yabar and that I have walked for many years in the company of several dear friends. I know something about some of the other paths, not enough to describe them from experience, but enough to know that they have some noticeable differences from the path I have taken. I would like to point that out, so that you will understand that what I share in this blog may apply only to the path I know.

In this path of heart the meditations serve as the portals for entering the Andean Cosmovision. That is a reality that has no limits, and I intend to be exploring it for the rest of my life, or at least so long as it continues to nourish my blossoming as a Being in this Cosmos. For me it is not a set of powers to be gained, or techniques to master, or knowledge to accumulate, it is a way of being in this Cosmos, and very much so it is a way of relating to Nature and the Cosmos.

There are times in my life when I stop meditating for a while.  This often happens in the winter when it is hard to go outside and I am busy teaching at the University and being all intellectual.  Engaging with the politics of a world that seems to be increasingly directed by fear and hate also moves me away from meditating. Much of what I love and value is under immanent threat of destruction.  There are times to meditate by the river and times to throw myself in front of the bulldozer. The two modes represent my left side and right side, respectfully, and part of what I value about this path is that it embraces all of who I am.  Occasionally I get glimpses of that aspect of myself that is greater than the sum of those two parts, for whom the left side and the right side are but two facets of my existence, but we are the diamond that has those facets.

Still, when I stop meditating, this path stops being something I am being, and it becomes a memory, an idea, which it can never be without losing its essence.  I have discovered, rather obviously, that when I abandon this path, this connecting with the Cosmos, that I slowly start to feel abandoned by the Cosmos.  I get depressed.  When I start to meditate again I return to this way of being, and its essence returns and my existence again puts on a mantle of meaningfullness.  My challenge is that when I haven’t meditated for a while, and I start to feel down, I don’t feel much like meditating.

I would like to share with you something that I have found to be useful.  I have put the following poem on the desktop of my computer where I can see it everyday:

Work. Keep digging your well.
Don’t think about getting off from work.
Water is there somewhere.
Submit to a daily practice.
Your loyalty to that is a ring on the door.
Keep knocking and the joy inside
will eventually open a window
and look out to see who’s there.

Jalal ad-Din Rumi.  From The Illuminated Rumi
Broadway Books, Coleman Barks (translator).

You might enjoy my book:  The Andean Cosmovision:  A Path for Exploring Profound Aspects of Ourselves, Nature, and the Cosmos.

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