This page provides a way for you to  donate to my work as a way of engaging in ayni.  Ayni is a quechua (the language of the Andes) term for reciprocity.  It informs how the Andean people organize their relationships with each other, nature, and the Cosmos and it is a fundamental aspect of the Andean Cosmovision.  For a more expansive understanding of ayni please see the post Ayni.  For information on how donations support a circle of ayni between you and me, and between us and the people of the Andes, please see the post Ayni Revisted. I have provided below a way for you to donate using either Paypal or Venmo.

Thank you.  Oakley.

Donate through Paypal:

Donate through Venmo:

If you have the Venmo app on your phone then you can scan the code below.