Our ego consists of all the thoughts and beliefs we have about our self. A description, no matter how detailed, is not the same thing as what it is describing. All of the thoughts we have about who we are not the same thing as who we really are. We are much more mysterious than our thoughts can possibly encompass.
For this meditation it helps to be out into Nature, that is not necessary but in my experience it leads to a richer experience. Enjoy!
Begin by using your intent (sincere pretending) to greet the element of earth (Pachamama). Connect with the earth, with your intent and an out breath send your filaments into the earth. Then bring your awareness to the earth inside of you, for much of our body is made up of elements of the earth. With your intent feel the unity of the earth upon which you stand and the earth within yourself.
Next, using your intent, greet the element of water. With an out breath connect your filaments to the rivers, the lakes, the oceans, the rain. Bring your awareness to the water inside of you, feel the unity of the waters upon the earth and the water within yourself.
Next, greet the element of fire. With an out breath connect your filaments to all of the fires burning on the planet, and with Tai Tai Inti (the great spiritual Being who is the sun). Bring your awareness to the slow fire within yourself that is your metabolism, feel the oneness of the fires upon the earth and the fire within yourself.
Next, greet the element of air. With an out breath connect your filaments to the air around you and any wind or breeze that may be caressing your body, connect to the immense movement of air around this planet. Bring your awareness to the air within yourself, flowing in and out of your lungs, and in and out of your bloodstream as it flows to and from all of your cells, feel the unity of the air upon the earth and the air within yourself.
And finally, let your energy expand vertically, down into the ground and up toward the Cosmos, until you become the Tree of Life.
…If you only read this meditation you won’t get it, it’s not about who we think we are, it is not about the concept that we are made up of the four elements. If you do this meditation you may experience some of your Being that is beyond thought. The ego is good, we need our ego to operate in this life, it is just helpful to not get too attached to it. The goal is not to get rid of the ego but to explore who we are beyond it, for this our ego needs to be willing to play second fiddle.
July 7, 2013 at 8:11 am
Great meditation, so natural to connect with the elements and surprising to discover them within. I especially connected with the fifth element of spirit spiralling at the end.
July 7, 2013 at 8:51 am
That is so cool Bobbi, thanks for sharing that.