Another great trip to Peru! This time I went with 11 waikis to work with don Americo and Gayle Yabar, and other paq’os and healers with whom they arranged for us to meet.
Part of the beauty of following a path of heart is the company I get to keep. Here we are at Molino, Gayle’s place in the Andes that he has converted from an old mill into a wonderful setting for groups to stay and connect to the river and the Apus and the stars and the Cosmos.
Our first meeting of the trip with the Q’ero, here the men are creating a despacho (offering).
Our second meeting with the Q’ero (at 15,000 feet) focused on the ñustas (powerful feminine energies).
A special moment. We passed this old man carrying a large sack up into the mountains. Americo stopped to connect with him and give him some food. Things like this happen a lot when we travel with Americo, what a path of heart! Photo by Pia Ossorio.
Connecting with an Apu. We were at 16,000 feet, the Apus tower much higher still.
I have a much more comprehensive slide show of the trip which I would be delighted for you to see. If you would like to view it go to the Andean Cosmovision (the Facebook page for my book) and scroll down to the album.
This trip had a big effect on me and I have returned with some information that I would like to share with you. I am still struggling with how to organize what I want to say, but that is what this blog is all about, to give me a place where I can play around with how to get the information out. I will be tackling this in subsequent posts. My intent is to help us refine our understanding of how to explore the Cosmovision back here in the West, for as much as I love going to Peru, it simply isn’t necessary to go to Peru to explore the vast, mysterious, and beautiful territory that is the Andean Cosmovision.