Salka Wind Blog

Posts on the Andean Cosmovision

Month: April 2015

Spring Blossoms

The snow lies only on the top of the mountains by my home, although it does advance down the sides of the mountains when a spring storm visits, it just as quickly retreats the next day. Here in my home town we can once again go into the mountains and sit by the side of the canyon streams to meditate. While there is much we can explore with the Andean salka meditations during the winter, meeting indoors, working with our energy and exploring more of who we are, the foundation of the path is our relationship with Nature and the Cosmos. It is a beautiful time to be outdoors, in salka, getting in touch with Nature as she gushes (in slow motion) into new life. We can connect to that.

I would like to encourage you to get outdoors now that it is spring (at least in this part of the world) and explore the Andean Cosmovision through the various meditations I have shared in this blog and in my book (or from other sources you may have). There is no moral imperative within the Cosmosivion that people follow its path. I am, instead, speaking from two personal places. The first is that I get so much out of the meditations that I would like to encourage you to explore them as well in case you get as much out of them as I do (keeping in mind the post Fallacies). The second place from which I speak is my own set of values. I believe that the integration of the Andean Cosmovision with the Western world view holds the possibility of healing our relationship with Nature, I hope before our species destroys all the beauty of this world (see the post The Crazy Ape). That motivates me, plus my preference for a path of heart over a path of power.

To walk this path, you do not need to believe any specific set of beliefs. Actually you need to unbelieve some things, including the belief that any beliefs about reality have much to do with reality itself. Your mind will evolve from being your prison guard to being your ally in an exploration of a Cosmos that is more mysterious and wonderful than your thoughts can possibly encompass.

My first suggestion on how to proceed is to connect with the Pachamama on a regular basis using the Touching the Pachamama meditation. This takes only a couple of minutes, really, there is room for this in our daily lives. Complete the circle of ayni with the Pachamama by expressing your gratitude to her and through occasional, simple despachos. This is enough, this is walking the path of the Andean Cosmovision, you will change. Many small steps will eventually take you far. And…there is also more to explore if you desire.

There is a lot to be said for getting rid of our hucha on a regular basis. If you would like, do the Releasing Hucha meditation after the Touching the Pachamama meditation. Again, this takes just a minute or two. The two meditations will take you far. And…there is more if you wish to explore further.

After you have gotten in touch with the Pachamama and have released your hucha, select another meditation or two to explore. Try all the various meditations at least a few times to get a sense of their effect on you. Rely on your own deep sense of what is good and beautiful and loving, and evaluate each meditation from that place. Add the ones you like to your repertoire of ways to face the mystery of your existence. When you meditate, pick the one that feels right for you today.

And remember to complete the circle of ayni with the Pachamama, the Apus, Mama Tuta, with all the waikis of Nature and the Cosmos.

You can meditate on your own, perhaps everyday, and that is beautiful.

You can also get together with other waikis to meditate, perhaps on a weekly basis. There is an enhanced effect of several people doing a meditation together.

You might consider starting a salka meditation class. There are no gurus on this path, there are simply waikis who have been exploring the territory longer than others and who can help as a guide. For more information on teaching a salka meditation class please see the post Running a Salka Class.

Don Américo Yábar and don Gayle Yábar have founded the Poetic Salka Movement on this planet. When we meditate we slowly blossom in salka, when we meditate together we become a garden. It is happening all over the planet.

Some of this post was adapted from my book The Andean Cosmovision: A Path for Exploring Profound Aspects of Ourselves, Nature, and the Cosmos.

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Sole to Sole

Hi, here is a nice salka meditation that involves working with a partner.  This is another very simple meditation that can be quite profound. As usual I recommend that you first tune your energy using the Touching Pachamama and Releasing Hucha meditations (particularly because you will be working with another person).

To do this meditation take off your shoes. Lie down with the soles of your feet in comfortable contact with the soles of your partner’s feet.  Using your intent (sincere pretending), as you breathe in draw the energy from the Cosmos through your partner’s head, through your connection at your feet, and up through your head into the Cosmos.  As you breathe out send the energy in the opposite direction, from the Cosmos through your head through the two of you and out into the Cosmos through your partner’s head.

Do this for several minutes and then bring the meditation to a gentle close.

As with all of the salka meditations, the meaning of this meditation is simply the experience that you have while doing it.  We are all explorers on this path.

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