Salka Wind Blog

Posts on the Andean Cosmovision

Month: May 2014

Connecting with Pachamama

Almost all of the meditations I have shared involve connecting with the Pachamama.  In this post I would just like to share a simple thing that I have found to be useful, it again comes from don Americo Yabar.

There are some meditations, both in the Andean Cosmovision and in other traditions, that take our consciousness ‘way out there’.  Before embarking on such a journey spend a moment connecting to the Pachamama.  Using your intent ask the Pachamama to connect her filaments to your filaments as an anchor that will remain while you soar. This makes it easier to come all the way back when you have finished your journey.  Isn’t she loving?

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Connecting with a Tree

For this meditation I like to start off already pretty much in my left-side (lloqe) energy. I often, therefore, do this one after one or more of the other meditations.

Sit or stand with your back against a tree, connecting with as much of your spine as you can comfortably. With intent (sincere pretending), connect your energy to the Pachamama through the base of your spine (if sitting) or through your feet (if standing), then connect to the energy of the Cosmos through the crown of your head. Now, let your filaments commingle with the filaments of the tree. Connect with the consciousness of the tree and discover what arises.

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Connecting with the River

Two world views (both are valuable in the appropriate context): ask an engineer and a paqo to define pure water. The engineer may point at distilled water, a liquid that consists of nothing but H2O. The paqo may point at a spring where it bubbles out of the mountain slope; clear, cold, with dissolved minerals and perhaps bits of plants and insects.*

Go to a river, a river of pure water without industrial pollutants, flowing in its natural river bed. With intent greet your waiki (brother/sister) the river. Get in a comfortable position, for in this meditation being comfortable fits what we are about to do. Now, with your intent, open up your energy field and let your filaments commingle with the filaments of the river. Then just relax, let the flowing energy of the river cleanse your energy of any hucha you may have, and let the river teach you about the flow of energy.

When you are finished remember, not out of obligation but out of love, to complete the circle of ayni. Pour a little alcohol into the river, or toss three red and three white flowers into the river, and thank it for being your waiki. The first time I did this the sense I received back was, ‘Oh! Wow! Thanks, it’s been a long time since anyone has done that.’ and the river sparkled a little more brightly in the light of Tai Tai Inti.

All over the Andes, the people stretch out like lizards on the rocks next to the river, cleaning their energy.

* From a story told to me by don Americo.

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Meditating at Salka Wasi

Salka Wasi (the ‘house of undomesticated energy’) is don Americo’s ancestral home in the Andes.  I have posted a short video of a favored spot to meditate at Salka Wasi as a treat for the many people who have sat there to connect their filaments to the beautiful energy of Peru:  Salka Wasi


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