Salka Wind Blog

Posts on the Andean Cosmovision

Month: July 2012

There I Am!

(I have edited this since first posting it, including changing its title).

For a long time I’ve been going to a special place in the woods by a mountain stream. There, over many visits, I go through the various meditations I have learned from don Americo, including one of the simplest: ‘Go to a place in nature, open up your energy, connect to that place, still your internal dialog, and just be there, not-doing.’ I also–on an intermittent basis–practice as I take my walk some of the meditations I have learned from Eckhart Tolle; to become completely present in the now, to become aware of my own presence, to be aware of being the Being who is experiencing the world. Tolle also speaks of the great benefit of being totally present in a beautiful spot in nature as a way to experience who we really are.

I follow this path because at some deep level it resonates in beauty within me, just below the threshold of hearing my heart sings, even my intellect smiles and says “I don’t understand what is going on but I like it'”. This keeps me going, even though for me the momentous moments on the path are few and far between.

The other day I was sitting by the stream with my close friends who are walking this salka path with me. It was one of those internal dialog days where my mind just doesn’t seem to want to shut up its chattering and let more of who I am inform my experience. We went through a couple of internal-dialog-stopping meditations, and when we finished my internal dialog was quieter, but still nattering on. As we sat and chatted for a while by the stream I found myself withdrawing from the conversation. I was feeling such a strong desire to connect with the river and with the trees on the other side and with the cliff that towers up behind them. As I let my energy, my filaments, connect to the Nature around me my internal dialog faded away. Then for a brief moment my experience shifted in a way that is beyond words, but led to me exclaiming to myself (imagine a tone of fond affection and pleasant delight), “Oh…there I am!”.

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Tai Tai Inti

I continue to work on my book and occasionally post something new on this blog (see the previous post). The nice thing about a book, compared to a blog, is that there is a better chance that readers will start at the beginning and thus will have essential experiences and information under their belts for the later material and meditations. For today’s post I would like to assume that you have read through a lot of the previous material so that I can skip having to provide the conceptual framework. If you haven’t, then I recommend that you first read at least the posts on the Andean CosmovisionIntent, and Salka.

The essence of the Andean approach is to connect with Nature, connect with Nature, and then connect with Nature. Connect with the Pachamama, with the Apus, with the stars, with the trees, with the rivers tumbling down the mountain side, with the condor riding the thermals up into the clouds. In this post I would like to share with you how to connect with Tai Tai Inti, the great Being of conscious energy who is our sun.

Begin by taking a sun shower, let the sunlight flow over you like water, and with your intent (sincere pretending) wash your outer body and energy in the sunlight as if you are taking a shower. Then, stand facing Tai Tai Inti and let the sunlight flow into your Being. With your intent be like a flower soaking in the sun. Let the sunlight fill your body until it starts coming out of your pores (you may find that it will take your hucha away with it).

Connecting with Tai Tai Inti in the morning can fill you full of the active energy you need to get through the day; to do chores, go to work, chop wood and carry water. Connecting with Tai Tai Inti later in the day, shortly before sunset, prepares your energy for the evening. The energy of the evening is for turning inward, moving into the mysteries that lie in the night and that other reality of our dreams. Connecting with Nature puts us into harmony with the cycles of Nature, in this case our Being goes into harmony with the cycle of the day.

There is also a very special and beautiful meditation that can be performed at sunrise. Go someplace where you can be in nature to watch the sun rise. Arrive in time to settle down and meditate before the sun rises. Notice your energy, how it feels to be you, when you first sit down. As you are waiting for the sun to appear over the horizon turn off your internal dialog and let your energy merge with the world around you, the trees, the birds, and particularly the Pachamama. As the sun gets nearer and nearer to rising get in touch with the energy of Pachamama as she slowly turns her head to greet the arrival of her loved one. Then, experience the glory and beauty of the arrival of the sun from the first bead of light until the disk has risen completely above the horizon. When you are finished notice how the energy of the natural world around you has changed from the time you first sat down. Notice your own energy and how it has been affected by this experience. As with all of the Andean meditations, the only meaning of the meditation is the effect it has on you, so notice it and decide whether it is a beneficial experience worth repeating.

Note: Some people refer to Tai Tai Inti as Inti Tai Tai, “I’ve heard it both ways” (Shawn Spencer). ‘Inti’ is the sun, ‘Tai Tai’ is a title of greatest formality and respect.

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